About Us

Laser Treatment PR, is a leading developer and manufacturer of innovative aesthetic technologies for dermatologists, plastic surgeons and beauty spas.

It is no secret that we all want to look and feel our best.
We’re happy to be
implementing a new wave of laser treatments to Puerto Rico!

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About Us

Our Story

As a small business owner and entrepreneur, I’ve always loved diving into different business ventures and creating innovative changes and opportunities for my local community. Born and raised in Puerto Rico, I’ve always dreamed of creating a business on my island and making a positive difference in people’s lives.

My introduction with laser treatment began with my journey with erectile dysfunction (ED). At 71 years old, I felt great. I also enjoyed spending time with my partner, and still do. But, like many men today, I was presented with ED and took enhancement pills. This was beginning to affect my confidence and the pills became a chore that was never ending. It was simply not the solution I was looking for, so I began researching for ways to help me and my partner restore our intimacy and connection while also restoring my confidence, not just in the bedroom but in my relationship and in my daily life.

Through my research, I discovered that laser therapy offers many benefits that include relieving symptoms of cancer, treating hair loss due to alopecia or aging, treating chronic pain such as back nerve pain, fading scars, minimizing the risk of inflammation as well as treating erectile dysfunction (or ED) among much more. So, I made the decision to begin my own laser story and to help others like me who are looking for long-lasting solutions to life-changing problems. I can now say that I have my personal confidence back, am as energetic as ever, and my relationship is as strong as it’s ever been. I hope to do the same for you and your family as well as make a difference in your life for the better. My only question to you is, are you ready to join me in this journey for a better, healthier, and happier life?

Meet Our Team

Emerida Diaz Fontanez


Emerida Diaz Fontanez RN, MBA, MSN

Emerida Diaz Fontanez is a graduated nurse from the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Science Campus in 1990. She also has a Master’s Degree in Nursing with a major in Nursing administration and a Master Degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Ana G Mendez. Her nursing experience includes Intensive Care in Puerto Rico University District Hospital and in the Veterans Administration in New York. In addition to patient care she also has experience in Occupational Nursing as also as product specialist for multinational companies located in Puerto Rico. She has a Specialty in Advance Wound Care.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer elit quam, molestie ac condimentum quis, venenatis nec massa. Aenean hendrerit interdum odio, in dapibus lectus facilisis sit amet. Aenean hendrerit fringilla ligula vestibulum suscipit. Suspendisse finibus lorem lorem, ut egestas odio molestie eu. Etiam sollicitudin eu urna eget semper. Praesent varius felis quis sagittis fermentum. Integer blandit nisi lacinia libero posuere, nec aliquet enim consequat.



hola probando

Emerida Diaz Fontanez is a graduated nurse from the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Science Campus in 1990. She also has a Master’s Degree in Nursing with a major in Nursing administration and a Master Degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Ana G Mendez. Her nursing experience includes Intensive Care in Puerto Rico University District Hospital and in the Veterans Administration in New York. In addition to patient care she also has experience in Occupational Nursing as also as product specialist for multinational companies located in Puerto Rico. She has a Specialty in Advance Wound Care.



hola probando

Emerida Diaz Fontanez is a graduated nurse from the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Science Campus in 1990. She also has a Master’s Degree in Nursing with a major in Nursing administration and a Master Degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Ana G Mendez. Her nursing experience includes Intensive Care in Puerto Rico University District Hospital and in the Veterans Administration in New York. In addition to patient care she also has experience in Occupational Nursing as also as product specialist for multinational companies located in Puerto Rico. She has a Specialty in Advance Wound Care.

Hear From Our People

“Corem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.”

“Corem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.”